Good Omens on TV

“Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch”, written by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. is one of my all time favourite books. So it not possible I would miss the TV show produced by Amazon and BBC streaming recently, based on the book. Almost all of my favourite male actors (David Tennanat, Michael Sheen, Jon Hamm, Nick Offerman, Benedict Cumberbatch) acting in the show did add up to my enthusiasm for the show more than a little.

Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate SXSW Event- 2019 SXSW Conference and Festivals

The show is in a miniseries format with 6 episodes.

The basic premise of the series is similar to the book. An unlikely friendship between two entities saves the world from Armageddon.

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At the centre of all is a child who loves to steal a rotten apple once in a while and run around his neighbourhood along his friends troubling everyone.

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In the series, the plot unfolds 6000 years back at Garden of Eden because “dinosaur fossils are still the prank being played on paleontologists”.  Angel Aziraphale and demon Crowley started talking about the things happening around them from that instant. Then they met at various landmark events on earth and had real discussions about the implications of their bosses’ plans. When two people have heart-to-heart conversations over 6000 years, it is difficult not to be friends. They understood each other better than their respective camp people. Besides they shared common interests love for the Earth and all earthly made things.

So when both the camps planned for an Armageddon, which would destroy their beloved Earth, they joined forces to find the antichrist kid and make him see reasons and save the world.

The show has good music, good lines, some great acting, good make up, good cinematography and beautiful locales. Queen’s music has been used in the series in much better manner than the film “Bohemia Rhapsody”. It is a pleasure to watch “Good Omens”.

The show does not 100% follow the book. I never expected otherwise. To adapt a book to another medium and to make a connection of characters with viewers the screenplay always needs some level of creative freedom.

I like some creativity addition of the series

1. Showing interaction between Aziraphale and Crowley throughout 6000 years of biblical history. I like their frank conversation about almighty and her plans.

2. The opening credit of the show is mind blowing a combination of anime and paintings. It reminds me the beautiful opening credit of Desperate Housewives.

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3. The aforementioned actors have made everything on screen more interesting and more humorous.

4. The subtle homage to William series and nudge to the co-writer Gaiman by showing his other book American Gods are interesting touches. From net I later found out about cameos of Gaiman and scarf and hat of Terry Pratchett. I didn’t notice them while watching. There is a scene straight out of “Ghost” too, a faux medium really getting a voice inside her head.

5. I like the extra characters added in the series. All have their quirks, which add to the humorous premise of the show.

Few things I could not appreciate about the series

1. The relationship between Aziraphale and Crowley is more understated in the book. Unlike the series, they understood each other and they understood they have a connection without shouting from the roof “you are my best friend”.

2. As Adam the Antichrist is inspired by William the trouble and other books by Richmal Crompton, the pre-dog-getting childhood of Adam is explored more in the book. He is shown as an intelligent troublemaker like William, especially his love for apple. That part is missing in the series.

3. My most favourite part of the book is missing in the series too. It is the ruses Aziraphale uses to discourages buyers from buying anything from his used/old book store.

4. The ending of the series went on an on for a while. The ending in the book is cleaner and more logical.

5. The ending of the series left scope for another season. A nice way to murder a great book I would say. I hope the makers will prove me wrong, in case there is a second season.

6. God’s narration, an addition in the series, is too neutral and too inert like her existence.

About watching or not watching: My verdict would be must watch.

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